The breadcrumbs component helps users to understand where they are within a website’s structure and move between levels.
<nav class="asp-breadcrumbs" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
<div class="container">
<span class="asp-breadcrumbs__intro">You are here: </span>
<ol class="asp-breadcrumbs__list">
<li class="asp-breadcrumbs__item">
<a class="asp-breadcrumbs__link" href="#/">Home</a>
<li class="asp-breadcrumbs__item">
<a class="asp-breadcrumbs__link" href="#/#">Link 2</a>
<li class="asp-breadcrumbs__item">
Current page (not linked)
Nunjucks macro options
Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.
Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.
If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.
Name | Type | Description |
root | string | Required. The "home" link, the first breadcrumb item. |
rows | array | rows. | Required. The breadcrumb items. The last iten will be text without a link. See
Options for rows
Name | Type | Description |
text | string | Required. The text for the breadcrumb item. |
href | string or false (boolean) | Required. The 'relative' URL for the breadcrumb item. If the item is the last breadcrumb item, the href will be ignored. Default values (for the last breadcrumb item) are false (boolean) or null. |
{% from "components/breadcrumbs/macro.njk" import aspBreadcrumbs %}
{{ aspBreadcrumbs({
root: "#",
rows: [
text: "Link 2",
href: "#"
text: "Current page (not linked)"
}) }}
Twig macro options
Use options to customise the appearance, content and behaviour of a component when using a macro, for example, changing the text.
Some options are required for the macro to work; these are marked as "Required" in the option description.
If you're using Nunjucks macros in production with "html" options, or ones ending with "html", you must sanitise the HTML to protect against cross-site scripting exploits.
Name | Type | Description |
root | string | Required. The "home" link, the first breadcrumb item. |
rows | array | rows. | Required. The breadcrumb items. The last iten will be text without a link. See
Options for rows
Name | Type | Description |
text | string | Required. The text for the breadcrumb item. |
href | string or false (boolean) | Required. The 'relative' URL for the breadcrumb item. If the item is the last breadcrumb item, the href will be ignored. Default values (for the last breadcrumb item) are false (boolean) or null. |
{% from "asp-frontend/components/breadcrumbs/macro.njk" import aspBreadcrumbs %}
{{ aspBreadcrumbs({
root: "#",
rows: [
text: "Link 2",
href: "#"
text: "Current page (not linked)"
}) }}
Name | Type | Description |
PaddingWidth | number | Required. This is used to determine the gaps to the left and right of this component. This should be set using varPaddingWidth which will dynamically update with the app size. |
StepsCount | number | Required. The number of screens/steps to be included in the breadcrumb component. This ensures that the last is not a bold/hyperlink style, but previous steps are. |
Step1Text | string | Required. Text input for the text to be shown for step 1. |
Step2Text | string | Required. Text input for the text to be shown for step 2. |
Step3Text | string | Required. Text input for the text to be shown for step 3. |
Step4Text | string | Required. Text input for the text to be shown for step 4. |
Step1Screen | string | Required. Screen input for the screen to navigate to from step 1. |
Step2Screen | string | Required. Screen input for the screen to navigate to from step 2. |
Step3Screen | string | Required. Screen input for the screen to navigate to from step 3. |
Step4Screen | string | Required. Screen input for the screen to navigate to from step 4. |
Step1Width | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 1 (only applies if it’s the last step). |
Step1BoldWidth | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 1 (only applies if it’s not the last step and is bold/hyperlinked). |
Step2Width | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 2 (only applies if it’s the last step). |
Step2BoldWidth | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 2 (only applies if it’s not the last step and is bold/hyperlinked). |
Step3Width | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 3 (only applies if it’s the last step). |
Step3BoldWidth | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 3 (only applies if it’s not the last step and is bold/hyperlinked). |
Step4Width | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 4 (only applies if it’s the last step). |
Step4BoldWidth | number | Required. Number input for the width of the text for step 4 (only applies if it’s not the last step and is bold/hyperlinked). |
Font | string | Required. This is the font that the text will be shown in. This will likely be Font.'Segoe UI'. |
DarkMode | boolean | Required. Input to determine if the component should be dark mode or not. Set by named formula variable varDarkMode. |
When to use this component
Use the breadcrumbs component when you need to help users understand and move between the multiple levels of a website.
we breadcrumbs are required, ensure that a location-based approach to breadcrumbs is adopted. (rather than attribute-based or path-based).
When not to use this component
Do not use the breadcrumbs component on websites with a flat structure, or to show progress through a linear journey or transaction (such as a form).
If you’re using other navigational elements on the page, such as a sidebar, consider whether your users need the additional support of breadcrumbs.
How it works
Always place breadcrumbs at the top of a page, within the <main>
element. Placing them here means that the ‘Skip to main content’ link allows the user to skip all navigation links, including breadcrumbs.
The breadcrumb should start with your ‘home’ page and end with the parent section of the current page.
Status of development
The below criteria all need to be met for a component to be considered as fully developed for use within the ASP Digital Design System.
Development criteria | Status |
WCAG 2.2 compliant | Not started |
WCAG 2.1 compliant | Completed |
HTML / Nunjucks version | Completed |
Figma version | Not started |
M365 versions | Completed |
Documentation | In progress |
Published 3 May 2024
Last updated 4 March 2025