Cookie banner

This component is dynamically via the inclusion of a JavaScript file and data attributes added via the footer element. For example <footer class=”asp-footer cookie-data” data-gatag=”UA-XXXXXX-XX” data-ga4tag=”G-AXAXXAXXAA”>, where data-ga4tag defines Google Analytics 4 tag Id “G-AXAXXAXXAA”

For the purposes of this demo; the HTML output has been hardcoded and to ensure it shows, no cookies are set in your browser.

<div class="asp-cookie-banner" role="region" aria-label="cookie preferences">  
  <div class="container asp-cookie-banner__container">  
    <div class="asp-cookie-banner__content">  
      <p class="sr-only">Cookie Preferences</p>  
      <p class="asp-cookie-banner__text">We use essential cookies to make this website work and optional cookies to help us measure how it is used. <a class="asp-cookie-banner__link" href="#">View details about cookies</a>.</p>  
    <div class="asp-cookie-banner__actions">  
      <button class="button button--start asp-cookie-banner__accept cookie-preference-button-accepted" type="button">I m ok with cookies</button>  
      <a class="button button--start asp-cookie-banner__manage" href="#">Manage cookies</a>  

Status of development

The below criteria all need to be met for a component to be considered as fully developed for use within the ASP Digital Design System.

Development criteria Status
WCAG 2.2 compliant Not started
WCAG 2.1 compliant Completed
HTML / Nunjucks version In Progress
Figma version Not started
M365 versions Not started
Documentation In progress

Published 12 June 2024
Last updated 6 August 2024