
Use lists to make blocks of text easier to read, and to break information into manageable chunks.

<ul class="asp-list--plain">    
    <a href="#">Link text example 1</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 2</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 3</a>    
    <a href="#">More</a>    

Bulleted lists

Introduce bulleted lists with a lead-in line ending in a colon. Start each item with a lowercase letter, and do not use a full stop at the end.

<p>Bulleted list example:</p>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 1</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 2</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 3</a>    
    <a href="#">More</a>    

Numbered lists

Use numbered lists instead of bulleted lists when the order of the items is relevant.

Items in a numbered list should end in a full stop because each should be a complete sentence.

    <a href="#">Link text example 1</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 2</a>    
    <a href="#">Link text example 3</a>    
    <a href="#">More</a>    

Published 3 May 2024
Last updated 6 August 2024